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social freezing, and ongoing dialogue to ensure that women are empowered

social freezing, and ongoing dialogue to ensure that women are empowered

social freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, has become increasingly popular in recent years due to various social and personal factors that have led women to consider delaying childbearing until the later stages of their lives.
this approach allows women in their thirties to preserve fertility by freezing their eggs for potential future use. it offers a viable option for women who wish to safeguard their fertility potential in the face of the age-related decline in egg quantity and quality that is the cause of the fertility decline that occurs with age.

nowadays women often pursue advanced education and career opportunities, which may lead to postponing childbearing. additionally, cultural shifts and an increasing focus on individual autonomy have contributed to a growing interest in social freezing that offers women the possibility of prioritizing their careers or other life goals without feeling pressured to start a family at a specific age, enabling women to pursue opportunities without the constraint of a biological clock.
moreover, social freezing can provide a sense of empowerment and control over fertility decisions, allowing women to take charge of their reproductive timelines and make informed choices about family planning. globally, discussions about work-life balance and (in)fertility awareness are ongoing. in recent years companies such as apple and facebook have been paying their female workers for this fertility insurance allowing them to postpone childbearing with higher chances of success. in france this technique is now totally reimbursed for all women between 29 and 37.

social freezing opponents claim about the psychological and emotional impact of postponing motherhood, the potential risks associated with relying on frozen eggs for conception and the financial burden associated with social freezing.
overall, navigating the decision to undergo social freezing requires consideration of the emotional, financial, ethical, and societal implications. addressing these challenges involves a comprehensive approach and ongoing dialogue to ensure that women are empowered to make informed choices about their reproductive futures. let's move forward with this?

teresa almeida santos, professor at the faculty of medicine of the university of coimbra and director of the department of gynecology, obstetrics, reproduction and neonatology at the hospital and university center of coimbra since 2020, she is the secretary general of the portuguese federation of gynecology and obstetrics societies and in 2023 became scientific director of EUGIN Portugal.


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