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parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos faltam 150€ para obter portes gratuitos
the wellington boots

the wellington boots

the rain has come and i have to admit I'm glad I can finally wear wellies and anyone who has a child knows that there's nothing more fun than jumping in puddles. it's almost a worldwide anthem of fun between parents and children.
but wellies are much more than just children's footwear, it's the glastonburry vibe, it's the country side.

arthur wellesley, the first duke of wellington and a renowned military man, was one of the first public figures to wear them. at the beginning of the 19th century, he asked his shoemaker in london to modify the shoe with a flexible leather treated with wax so that it could fit tighter around the leg. this was called the wellington boot. in the early 1850s, manufacturers began experimenting with rubber boots and the wellington boot evolved. after the war, they became common footwear because they had it all: waterproof, comfortable and relatively cheap.

hunter is still the leading brand, and the british are the only ones legally allowed to wear rubber boots. the quality/price ratio is also very interesting, not least because hunter wellies are expected to last a lifetime.

of course, the trend-setting brands haven't been left out, and burberrys, chanel or maison margiela have influenced the market, often reviving a sometimes lukewarm trend. now I can tell you that it's here to stay. and whatever the purpose of your wellington boots, they are very much in demand and will enhance your rain look.

li furtado
 is the founder and creative director of CINCO. born in '82 in alentejo, portugal she graduated in geography from the university of coimbra. after working for 10 years as a consultant, she quit her job to follow her dream and love for fashion. with a creative and restless mind, she is driven by new ideas and her focus is to always have time to enjoy life with her family.


parabéns! a encomenda é elegível para portes gratuitos neste momento está a 150€ de portes gratuitos
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